Date Requested: Feb 20 2025 1:17 PM

TGR Daily Average Gas Quality Info By Date

TSP Name: ETC Tiger Pipeline, LLC (TSP: 829521983)

Displaying: rows out of 1 results
ID Name BTU CO2 N2 Gravity Methane Ethane Propane Ibutane Nbutane Ipentane Npentane C6 C7 H2 Helium Oxygen Wobbe CHDP Gas Day
4530 Tiger Gas Quality 1017 1.442 0.346 0.583 96.123 1.720 0.215 0.066 0.039 0.019 0.008 0.012 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.000 1331.384 0.000 02/19/2025

Comments and Notes:

The data contained herein is preliminary data and therefore should be used for contemporaneous operational purposes only and may be subject to change at month end. This data is provided to assist our customers in tracking their gas usage as closely as possible on a real-time basis. The information contained on this web page is not to be considered billable information. This data will be subject to additional verification and possible modification prior to billing.