Date Requested: Sep 16 2024 2:51 PM

GR Transactional Reporting Firm

TSP Name: Gulf Run Transmission, LLC (TSP: 118760527)

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Displaying: rows out of 9 results
Posting Date Posting Time Svc Req K Rate Sch K Begin Date K End Date K Ent Begin Date/Time K Ent End Date/Time K Qty-K Loc / QTI K Stat K Holder K Holder Name Affil Res Rate ID Max Tariff Res Rate Res Rate Charged Com Rate ID Max Tariff Com Rate Com Rate Charged Negotiated Rate Indicator Terms/Notes Rec Loc Rec Loc Ind Rec Loc Zn Rec Loc Name Del Loc Del Loc Ind Del Loc Zn Del Loc Name
06/30/2024 12:30PM 20025 FTS 01/01/2023 12/31/2026 01/01/2023 09:00AM 01/01/2027 09:00AM 475,000 3 A 809849326 Chesapeake Energy Marketing L.L.C. None RES 0.273100 0.135000 COM 0.004200 9999.000000 Yes Evergreen/Term Extension? After Primary Term End Date, Shipper shall have the option to extend service under the Agreement, at the same rates, terms and conditions as those applicable for up to two Secondary Terms of three (3) years, for all or part of the firm capacity subscribed by Shipper during the Primary Term up to 275,000 Dth/D from Primary Receipt Point Ajax as listed below. To the extent that the MDQ is reduced pursuant to the foregoing, then the total Maximum Daily Receipt Obligations (“MDROs”) and Maximum Daily Delivery Obligations (“MDDOs”) must be reduced proportionately, and this Agreement shall be amended as necessary. Notification of any extension must be received prior to 180 days from the then current Primary Term End Date.

MDQ (Dth/D):
200,000 -- Period 1 – September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
475,000 -- Period 2 – January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024
475,000 -- Period 3 – July 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024
375,000 – Period 4 – November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2026
275,000 – Period 5 – November 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026

Primary Receipt Points:
Period 1:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000

Period 2: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Bistineau Whiskey Bay (Meter 822080) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 275,000

Period 3: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 4:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 25,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 25,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 25,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 25,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 5: Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Primary Delivery Points:

Period 1:
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter 898400) – 200,000

Period 2 and Period 3:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 350,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 4:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 250,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 5: TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 150,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

The Receipt Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040)
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050)
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822064)
Magnolia GR (Meter No. 822062)
Kinderhawk GR IC (Meter No. 220325)
TGG @ DeSoto (Meter No. 220090)
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033) Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
All Receipt Points located in Zone 1
The Delivery Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033)
Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
TGT GR (Meter No. 13545)
ANR GR (Meter No. 13547)
KN-MEP Header GR (Meter No. 3201)
Golden Pass Pipeline (Meter No. 808311)
Trunkline @ Vinton (Meter No. 292545)
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546)
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580)
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548)
All Delivery Poins located in Zone 1
Any future Delivery Point in path

There shall be an Excess Quantity Charge of $0.1000 per Dth applicable to all delivered quantities in excess of the MDQ, through segmentation or otherwise, for such services.

If scheduled maintenance or other operational circumstances adversely affect the availability of primary firm capacity under the Agreement and Transporter notifies Shipper of the availability of non-primary capacity to receive and/or deliver other than at the points specified above, then such optional non-primary points as designated by Transporter shall be deemed eligible for the rates, quantities, and the period specified in the notice. Transporter may make such notification via e-mail, in writing or via Internet Web Site posting and the document in which such notice appears shall be deemed to amend this Agreement for the purposes hereof.

Certain capacity under this Agreement is subject to the Pre-Arranged service procedures described in Section 16.6 GT& C of the Tariff. This Agreement shall become binding as of the date first written above, subject to the outcome of the procedures. If the outcome of such procedures is such that the terms of this Agreement must be modified, the parties shall enter into such amendments as necessary to effectuate such modifications. If no modifications to this Agreement are required as a result of such procedures, then this Agreement shall become binding as described above.
293123 I Z2 Ajax Plant 898400 I Z1 Sesh 42 Header GR
06/30/2024 12:30PM 20025 FTS 01/01/2023 12/31/2026 01/01/2023 09:00AM 01/01/2027 09:00AM 475,000 3 A 809849326 Chesapeake Energy Marketing L.L.C. None RES 0.104100 0.135000 COM 0.002000 9999.000000 Yes Evergreen/Term Extension? After Primary Term End Date, Shipper shall have the option to extend service under the Agreement, at the same rates, terms and conditions as those applicable for up to two Secondary Terms of three (3) years, for all or part of the firm capacity subscribed by Shipper during the Primary Term up to 275,000 Dth/D from Primary Receipt Point Ajax as listed below. To the extent that the MDQ is reduced pursuant to the foregoing, then the total Maximum Daily Receipt Obligations (“MDROs”) and Maximum Daily Delivery Obligations (“MDDOs”) must be reduced proportionately, and this Agreement shall be amended as necessary. Notification of any extension must be received prior to 180 days from the then current Primary Term End Date.

MDQ (Dth/D):
200,000 -- Period 1 – September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
475,000 -- Period 2 – January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024
475,000 -- Period 3 – July 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024
375,000 – Period 4 – November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2026
275,000 – Period 5 – November 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026

Primary Receipt Points:
Period 1:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000

Period 2: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Bistineau Whiskey Bay (Meter 822080) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 275,000

Period 3: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 4:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 25,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 25,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 25,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 25,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 5: Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Primary Delivery Points:

Period 1:
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter 898400) – 200,000

Period 2 and Period 3:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 350,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 4:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 250,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 5: TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 150,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

The Receipt Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040)
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050)
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822064)
Magnolia GR (Meter No. 822062)
Kinderhawk GR IC (Meter No. 220325)
TGG @ DeSoto (Meter No. 220090)
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033) Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
All Receipt Points located in Zone 1
The Delivery Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033)
Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
TGT GR (Meter No. 13545)
ANR GR (Meter No. 13547)
KN-MEP Header GR (Meter No. 3201)
Golden Pass Pipeline (Meter No. 808311)
Trunkline @ Vinton (Meter No. 292545)
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546)
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580)
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548)
All Delivery Poins located in Zone 1
Any future Delivery Point in path

There shall be an Excess Quantity Charge of $0.1000 per Dth applicable to all delivered quantities in excess of the MDQ, through segmentation or otherwise, for such services.

If scheduled maintenance or other operational circumstances adversely affect the availability of primary firm capacity under the Agreement and Transporter notifies Shipper of the availability of non-primary capacity to receive and/or deliver other than at the points specified above, then such optional non-primary points as designated by Transporter shall be deemed eligible for the rates, quantities, and the period specified in the notice. Transporter may make such notification via e-mail, in writing or via Internet Web Site posting and the document in which such notice appears shall be deemed to amend this Agreement for the purposes hereof.

Certain capacity under this Agreement is subject to the Pre-Arranged service procedures described in Section 16.6 GT& C of the Tariff. This Agreement shall become binding as of the date first written above, subject to the outcome of the procedures. If the outcome of such procedures is such that the terms of this Agreement must be modified, the parties shall enter into such amendments as necessary to effectuate such modifications. If no modifications to this Agreement are required as a result of such procedures, then this Agreement shall become binding as described above.
822040 I Z1 Magnolia Gas - Keatchie 13546 I Z1 TGC GR
06/30/2024 12:30PM 20025 FTS 01/01/2023 12/31/2026 01/01/2023 09:00AM 01/01/2027 09:00AM 475,000 3 A 809849326 Chesapeake Energy Marketing L.L.C. None RES 0.104100 0.135000 COM 0.002000 9999.000000 Yes Evergreen/Term Extension? After Primary Term End Date, Shipper shall have the option to extend service under the Agreement, at the same rates, terms and conditions as those applicable for up to two Secondary Terms of three (3) years, for all or part of the firm capacity subscribed by Shipper during the Primary Term up to 275,000 Dth/D from Primary Receipt Point Ajax as listed below. To the extent that the MDQ is reduced pursuant to the foregoing, then the total Maximum Daily Receipt Obligations (“MDROs”) and Maximum Daily Delivery Obligations (“MDDOs”) must be reduced proportionately, and this Agreement shall be amended as necessary. Notification of any extension must be received prior to 180 days from the then current Primary Term End Date.

MDQ (Dth/D):
200,000 -- Period 1 – September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
475,000 -- Period 2 – January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024
475,000 -- Period 3 – July 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024
375,000 – Period 4 – November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2026
275,000 – Period 5 – November 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026

Primary Receipt Points:
Period 1:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000

Period 2: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Bistineau Whiskey Bay (Meter 822080) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 275,000

Period 3: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 4:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 25,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 25,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 25,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 25,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 5: Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Primary Delivery Points:

Period 1:
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter 898400) – 200,000

Period 2 and Period 3:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 350,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 4:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 250,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 5: TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 150,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

The Receipt Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040)
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050)
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822064)
Magnolia GR (Meter No. 822062)
Kinderhawk GR IC (Meter No. 220325)
TGG @ DeSoto (Meter No. 220090)
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033) Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
All Receipt Points located in Zone 1
The Delivery Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033)
Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
TGT GR (Meter No. 13545)
ANR GR (Meter No. 13547)
KN-MEP Header GR (Meter No. 3201)
Golden Pass Pipeline (Meter No. 808311)
Trunkline @ Vinton (Meter No. 292545)
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546)
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580)
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548)
All Delivery Poins located in Zone 1
Any future Delivery Point in path

There shall be an Excess Quantity Charge of $0.1000 per Dth applicable to all delivered quantities in excess of the MDQ, through segmentation or otherwise, for such services.

If scheduled maintenance or other operational circumstances adversely affect the availability of primary firm capacity under the Agreement and Transporter notifies Shipper of the availability of non-primary capacity to receive and/or deliver other than at the points specified above, then such optional non-primary points as designated by Transporter shall be deemed eligible for the rates, quantities, and the period specified in the notice. Transporter may make such notification via e-mail, in writing or via Internet Web Site posting and the document in which such notice appears shall be deemed to amend this Agreement for the purposes hereof.

Certain capacity under this Agreement is subject to the Pre-Arranged service procedures described in Section 16.6 GT& C of the Tariff. This Agreement shall become binding as of the date first written above, subject to the outcome of the procedures. If the outcome of such procedures is such that the terms of this Agreement must be modified, the parties shall enter into such amendments as necessary to effectuate such modifications. If no modifications to this Agreement are required as a result of such procedures, then this Agreement shall become binding as described above.
822040 I Z1 Magnolia Gas - Keatchie 13548 I Z1 CGT GR
06/30/2024 12:30PM 20025 FTS 01/01/2023 12/31/2026 01/01/2023 09:00AM 01/01/2027 09:00AM 475,000 3 A 809849326 Chesapeake Energy Marketing L.L.C. None RES 0.104100 0.135000 COM 0.002000 9999.000000 Yes Evergreen/Term Extension? After Primary Term End Date, Shipper shall have the option to extend service under the Agreement, at the same rates, terms and conditions as those applicable for up to two Secondary Terms of three (3) years, for all or part of the firm capacity subscribed by Shipper during the Primary Term up to 275,000 Dth/D from Primary Receipt Point Ajax as listed below. To the extent that the MDQ is reduced pursuant to the foregoing, then the total Maximum Daily Receipt Obligations (“MDROs”) and Maximum Daily Delivery Obligations (“MDDOs”) must be reduced proportionately, and this Agreement shall be amended as necessary. Notification of any extension must be received prior to 180 days from the then current Primary Term End Date.

MDQ (Dth/D):
200,000 -- Period 1 – September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
475,000 -- Period 2 – January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024
475,000 -- Period 3 – July 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024
375,000 – Period 4 – November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2026
275,000 – Period 5 – November 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026

Primary Receipt Points:
Period 1:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000

Period 2: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Bistineau Whiskey Bay (Meter 822080) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 275,000

Period 3: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 4:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 25,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 25,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 25,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 25,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 5: Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Primary Delivery Points:

Period 1:
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter 898400) – 200,000

Period 2 and Period 3:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 350,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 4:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 250,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 5: TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 150,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

The Receipt Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040)
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050)
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822064)
Magnolia GR (Meter No. 822062)
Kinderhawk GR IC (Meter No. 220325)
TGG @ DeSoto (Meter No. 220090)
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033) Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
All Receipt Points located in Zone 1
The Delivery Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033)
Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
TGT GR (Meter No. 13545)
ANR GR (Meter No. 13547)
KN-MEP Header GR (Meter No. 3201)
Golden Pass Pipeline (Meter No. 808311)
Trunkline @ Vinton (Meter No. 292545)
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546)
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580)
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548)
All Delivery Poins located in Zone 1
Any future Delivery Point in path

There shall be an Excess Quantity Charge of $0.1000 per Dth applicable to all delivered quantities in excess of the MDQ, through segmentation or otherwise, for such services.

If scheduled maintenance or other operational circumstances adversely affect the availability of primary firm capacity under the Agreement and Transporter notifies Shipper of the availability of non-primary capacity to receive and/or deliver other than at the points specified above, then such optional non-primary points as designated by Transporter shall be deemed eligible for the rates, quantities, and the period specified in the notice. Transporter may make such notification via e-mail, in writing or via Internet Web Site posting and the document in which such notice appears shall be deemed to amend this Agreement for the purposes hereof.

Certain capacity under this Agreement is subject to the Pre-Arranged service procedures described in Section 16.6 GT& C of the Tariff. This Agreement shall become binding as of the date first written above, subject to the outcome of the procedures. If the outcome of such procedures is such that the terms of this Agreement must be modified, the parties shall enter into such amendments as necessary to effectuate such modifications. If no modifications to this Agreement are required as a result of such procedures, then this Agreement shall become binding as described above.
822050 I Z1 CHK/Lamid - Mansfield 13548 I Z1 CGT GR
06/30/2024 12:30PM 20025 FTS 01/01/2023 12/31/2026 01/01/2023 09:00AM 01/01/2027 09:00AM 475,000 3 A 809849326 Chesapeake Energy Marketing L.L.C. None RES 0.104100 0.135000 COM 0.002000 9999.000000 Yes Evergreen/Term Extension? After Primary Term End Date, Shipper shall have the option to extend service under the Agreement, at the same rates, terms and conditions as those applicable for up to two Secondary Terms of three (3) years, for all or part of the firm capacity subscribed by Shipper during the Primary Term up to 275,000 Dth/D from Primary Receipt Point Ajax as listed below. To the extent that the MDQ is reduced pursuant to the foregoing, then the total Maximum Daily Receipt Obligations (“MDROs”) and Maximum Daily Delivery Obligations (“MDDOs”) must be reduced proportionately, and this Agreement shall be amended as necessary. Notification of any extension must be received prior to 180 days from the then current Primary Term End Date.

MDQ (Dth/D):
200,000 -- Period 1 – September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
475,000 -- Period 2 – January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024
475,000 -- Period 3 – July 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024
375,000 – Period 4 – November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2026
275,000 – Period 5 – November 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026

Primary Receipt Points:
Period 1:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000

Period 2: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Bistineau Whiskey Bay (Meter 822080) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 275,000

Period 3: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 4:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 25,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 25,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 25,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 25,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 5: Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Primary Delivery Points:

Period 1:
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter 898400) – 200,000

Period 2 and Period 3:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 350,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 4:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 250,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 5: TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 150,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

The Receipt Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040)
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050)
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822064)
Magnolia GR (Meter No. 822062)
Kinderhawk GR IC (Meter No. 220325)
TGG @ DeSoto (Meter No. 220090)
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033) Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
All Receipt Points located in Zone 1
The Delivery Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033)
Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
TGT GR (Meter No. 13545)
ANR GR (Meter No. 13547)
KN-MEP Header GR (Meter No. 3201)
Golden Pass Pipeline (Meter No. 808311)
Trunkline @ Vinton (Meter No. 292545)
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546)
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580)
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548)
All Delivery Poins located in Zone 1
Any future Delivery Point in path

There shall be an Excess Quantity Charge of $0.1000 per Dth applicable to all delivered quantities in excess of the MDQ, through segmentation or otherwise, for such services.

If scheduled maintenance or other operational circumstances adversely affect the availability of primary firm capacity under the Agreement and Transporter notifies Shipper of the availability of non-primary capacity to receive and/or deliver other than at the points specified above, then such optional non-primary points as designated by Transporter shall be deemed eligible for the rates, quantities, and the period specified in the notice. Transporter may make such notification via e-mail, in writing or via Internet Web Site posting and the document in which such notice appears shall be deemed to amend this Agreement for the purposes hereof.

Certain capacity under this Agreement is subject to the Pre-Arranged service procedures described in Section 16.6 GT& C of the Tariff. This Agreement shall become binding as of the date first written above, subject to the outcome of the procedures. If the outcome of such procedures is such that the terms of this Agreement must be modified, the parties shall enter into such amendments as necessary to effectuate such modifications. If no modifications to this Agreement are required as a result of such procedures, then this Agreement shall become binding as described above.
822050 I Z1 CHK/Lamid - Mansfield 898400 I Z1 Sesh 42 Header GR
06/30/2024 12:30PM 20025 FTS 01/01/2023 12/31/2026 01/01/2023 09:00AM 01/01/2027 09:00AM 475,000 3 A 809849326 Chesapeake Energy Marketing L.L.C. None RES 0.104100 0.135000 COM 0.002000 9999.000000 Yes Evergreen/Term Extension? After Primary Term End Date, Shipper shall have the option to extend service under the Agreement, at the same rates, terms and conditions as those applicable for up to two Secondary Terms of three (3) years, for all or part of the firm capacity subscribed by Shipper during the Primary Term up to 275,000 Dth/D from Primary Receipt Point Ajax as listed below. To the extent that the MDQ is reduced pursuant to the foregoing, then the total Maximum Daily Receipt Obligations (“MDROs”) and Maximum Daily Delivery Obligations (“MDDOs”) must be reduced proportionately, and this Agreement shall be amended as necessary. Notification of any extension must be received prior to 180 days from the then current Primary Term End Date.

MDQ (Dth/D):
200,000 -- Period 1 – September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
475,000 -- Period 2 – January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024
475,000 -- Period 3 – July 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024
375,000 – Period 4 – November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2026
275,000 – Period 5 – November 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026

Primary Receipt Points:
Period 1:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000

Period 2: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Bistineau Whiskey Bay (Meter 822080) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 275,000

Period 3: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 4:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 25,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 25,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 25,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 25,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 5: Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Primary Delivery Points:

Period 1:
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter 898400) – 200,000

Period 2 and Period 3:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 350,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 4:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 250,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 5: TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 150,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

The Receipt Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040)
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050)
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822064)
Magnolia GR (Meter No. 822062)
Kinderhawk GR IC (Meter No. 220325)
TGG @ DeSoto (Meter No. 220090)
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033) Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
All Receipt Points located in Zone 1
The Delivery Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033)
Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
TGT GR (Meter No. 13545)
ANR GR (Meter No. 13547)
KN-MEP Header GR (Meter No. 3201)
Golden Pass Pipeline (Meter No. 808311)
Trunkline @ Vinton (Meter No. 292545)
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546)
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580)
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548)
All Delivery Poins located in Zone 1
Any future Delivery Point in path

There shall be an Excess Quantity Charge of $0.1000 per Dth applicable to all delivered quantities in excess of the MDQ, through segmentation or otherwise, for such services.

If scheduled maintenance or other operational circumstances adversely affect the availability of primary firm capacity under the Agreement and Transporter notifies Shipper of the availability of non-primary capacity to receive and/or deliver other than at the points specified above, then such optional non-primary points as designated by Transporter shall be deemed eligible for the rates, quantities, and the period specified in the notice. Transporter may make such notification via e-mail, in writing or via Internet Web Site posting and the document in which such notice appears shall be deemed to amend this Agreement for the purposes hereof.

Certain capacity under this Agreement is subject to the Pre-Arranged service procedures described in Section 16.6 GT& C of the Tariff. This Agreement shall become binding as of the date first written above, subject to the outcome of the procedures. If the outcome of such procedures is such that the terms of this Agreement must be modified, the parties shall enter into such amendments as necessary to effectuate such modifications. If no modifications to this Agreement are required as a result of such procedures, then this Agreement shall become binding as described above.
822062 I Z1 Clear Lake GR 898400 I Z1 Sesh 42 Header GR
06/30/2024 12:30PM 20025 FTS 01/01/2023 12/31/2026 01/01/2023 09:00AM 01/01/2027 09:00AM 475,000 3 A 809849326 Chesapeake Energy Marketing L.L.C. None RES 0.104100 0.135000 COM 0.002000 9999.000000 Yes Evergreen/Term Extension? After Primary Term End Date, Shipper shall have the option to extend service under the Agreement, at the same rates, terms and conditions as those applicable for up to two Secondary Terms of three (3) years, for all or part of the firm capacity subscribed by Shipper during the Primary Term up to 275,000 Dth/D from Primary Receipt Point Ajax as listed below. To the extent that the MDQ is reduced pursuant to the foregoing, then the total Maximum Daily Receipt Obligations (“MDROs”) and Maximum Daily Delivery Obligations (“MDDOs”) must be reduced proportionately, and this Agreement shall be amended as necessary. Notification of any extension must be received prior to 180 days from the then current Primary Term End Date.

MDQ (Dth/D):
200,000 -- Period 1 – September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
475,000 -- Period 2 – January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024
475,000 -- Period 3 – July 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024
375,000 – Period 4 – November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2026
275,000 – Period 5 – November 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026

Primary Receipt Points:
Period 1:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000

Period 2: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Bistineau Whiskey Bay (Meter 822080) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 275,000

Period 3: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 4:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 25,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 25,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 25,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 25,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 5: Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Primary Delivery Points:

Period 1:
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter 898400) – 200,000

Period 2 and Period 3:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 350,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 4:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 250,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 5: TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 150,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

The Receipt Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040)
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050)
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822064)
Magnolia GR (Meter No. 822062)
Kinderhawk GR IC (Meter No. 220325)
TGG @ DeSoto (Meter No. 220090)
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033) Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
All Receipt Points located in Zone 1
The Delivery Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033)
Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
TGT GR (Meter No. 13545)
ANR GR (Meter No. 13547)
KN-MEP Header GR (Meter No. 3201)
Golden Pass Pipeline (Meter No. 808311)
Trunkline @ Vinton (Meter No. 292545)
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546)
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580)
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548)
All Delivery Poins located in Zone 1
Any future Delivery Point in path

There shall be an Excess Quantity Charge of $0.1000 per Dth applicable to all delivered quantities in excess of the MDQ, through segmentation or otherwise, for such services.

If scheduled maintenance or other operational circumstances adversely affect the availability of primary firm capacity under the Agreement and Transporter notifies Shipper of the availability of non-primary capacity to receive and/or deliver other than at the points specified above, then such optional non-primary points as designated by Transporter shall be deemed eligible for the rates, quantities, and the period specified in the notice. Transporter may make such notification via e-mail, in writing or via Internet Web Site posting and the document in which such notice appears shall be deemed to amend this Agreement for the purposes hereof.

Certain capacity under this Agreement is subject to the Pre-Arranged service procedures described in Section 16.6 GT& C of the Tariff. This Agreement shall become binding as of the date first written above, subject to the outcome of the procedures. If the outcome of such procedures is such that the terms of this Agreement must be modified, the parties shall enter into such amendments as necessary to effectuate such modifications. If no modifications to this Agreement are required as a result of such procedures, then this Agreement shall become binding as described above.
822064 I Z1 Magnolia GR 57580 I Z1 Tenn 800 Header GR
06/30/2024 12:30PM 20025 FTS 01/01/2023 12/31/2026 01/01/2023 09:00AM 01/01/2027 09:00AM 475,000 3 A 809849326 Chesapeake Energy Marketing L.L.C. None RES 0.104100 0.135000 COM 0.002000 9999.000000 Yes Evergreen/Term Extension? After Primary Term End Date, Shipper shall have the option to extend service under the Agreement, at the same rates, terms and conditions as those applicable for up to two Secondary Terms of three (3) years, for all or part of the firm capacity subscribed by Shipper during the Primary Term up to 275,000 Dth/D from Primary Receipt Point Ajax as listed below. To the extent that the MDQ is reduced pursuant to the foregoing, then the total Maximum Daily Receipt Obligations (“MDROs”) and Maximum Daily Delivery Obligations (“MDDOs”) must be reduced proportionately, and this Agreement shall be amended as necessary. Notification of any extension must be received prior to 180 days from the then current Primary Term End Date.

MDQ (Dth/D):
200,000 -- Period 1 – September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
475,000 -- Period 2 – January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024
475,000 -- Period 3 – July 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024
375,000 – Period 4 – November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2026
275,000 – Period 5 – November 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026

Primary Receipt Points:
Period 1:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000

Period 2: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Bistineau Whiskey Bay (Meter 822080) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 275,000

Period 3: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 4:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 25,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 25,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 25,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 25,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 5: Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Primary Delivery Points:

Period 1:
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter 898400) – 200,000

Period 2 and Period 3:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 350,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 4:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 250,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 5: TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 150,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

The Receipt Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040)
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050)
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822064)
Magnolia GR (Meter No. 822062)
Kinderhawk GR IC (Meter No. 220325)
TGG @ DeSoto (Meter No. 220090)
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033) Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
All Receipt Points located in Zone 1
The Delivery Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033)
Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
TGT GR (Meter No. 13545)
ANR GR (Meter No. 13547)
KN-MEP Header GR (Meter No. 3201)
Golden Pass Pipeline (Meter No. 808311)
Trunkline @ Vinton (Meter No. 292545)
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546)
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580)
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548)
All Delivery Poins located in Zone 1
Any future Delivery Point in path

There shall be an Excess Quantity Charge of $0.1000 per Dth applicable to all delivered quantities in excess of the MDQ, through segmentation or otherwise, for such services.

If scheduled maintenance or other operational circumstances adversely affect the availability of primary firm capacity under the Agreement and Transporter notifies Shipper of the availability of non-primary capacity to receive and/or deliver other than at the points specified above, then such optional non-primary points as designated by Transporter shall be deemed eligible for the rates, quantities, and the period specified in the notice. Transporter may make such notification via e-mail, in writing or via Internet Web Site posting and the document in which such notice appears shall be deemed to amend this Agreement for the purposes hereof.

Certain capacity under this Agreement is subject to the Pre-Arranged service procedures described in Section 16.6 GT& C of the Tariff. This Agreement shall become binding as of the date first written above, subject to the outcome of the procedures. If the outcome of such procedures is such that the terms of this Agreement must be modified, the parties shall enter into such amendments as necessary to effectuate such modifications. If no modifications to this Agreement are required as a result of such procedures, then this Agreement shall become binding as described above.
822064 I Z1 Magnolia GR 898400 I Z1 Sesh 42 Header GR
06/30/2024 12:30PM 20025 FTS 01/01/2023 12/31/2026 01/01/2023 09:00AM 01/01/2027 09:00AM 475,000 3 A 809849326 Chesapeake Energy Marketing L.L.C. None RES 0.000000 0.135000 COM 0.000000 9999.000000 Yes Evergreen/Term Extension? After Primary Term End Date, Shipper shall have the option to extend service under the Agreement, at the same rates, terms and conditions as those applicable for up to two Secondary Terms of three (3) years, for all or part of the firm capacity subscribed by Shipper during the Primary Term up to 275,000 Dth/D from Primary Receipt Point Ajax as listed below. To the extent that the MDQ is reduced pursuant to the foregoing, then the total Maximum Daily Receipt Obligations (“MDROs”) and Maximum Daily Delivery Obligations (“MDDOs”) must be reduced proportionately, and this Agreement shall be amended as necessary. Notification of any extension must be received prior to 180 days from the then current Primary Term End Date.

MDQ (Dth/D):
200,000 -- Period 1 – September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
475,000 -- Period 2 – January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024
475,000 -- Period 3 – July 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024
375,000 – Period 4 – November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2026
275,000 – Period 5 – November 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026

Primary Receipt Points:
Period 1:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000

Period 2: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Bistineau Whiskey Bay (Meter 822080) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 275,000

Period 3: Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 50,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 50,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 50,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 50,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 4:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040) – 25,000
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050) – 25,000
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822062) – 25,000
Magnolia GR (Meter 822064) – 25,000
Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Period 5: Ajax Plant GR (Meter TBD) – 275,000

Primary Delivery Points:

Period 1:
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter 898400) – 200,000

Period 2 and Period 3:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 350,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 4:
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 250,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

Period 5: TGC GR (Meter No. 13546) – 30,000
Sesh 42 Header GR (Meter No. 898400) – 150,000
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580) – 45,000
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548) – 50,000

The Receipt Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
Magnolia Gas – Keatchie (Meter No. 822040)
CHK/Lamid – Mansfield (Meter No. 822050)
Clear Lake GR (Meter No. 822064)
Magnolia GR (Meter No. 822062)
Kinderhawk GR IC (Meter No. 220325)
TGG @ DeSoto (Meter No. 220090)
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033) Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
All Receipt Points located in Zone 1
The Delivery Point(s) eligible for the rates are those listed above and the Secondary Receipt Points listed below:
PVG Storage Header GR (Meter No. 822033)
Arcadia GR (Meter No. 822090)
TGT GR (Meter No. 13545)
ANR GR (Meter No. 13547)
KN-MEP Header GR (Meter No. 3201)
Golden Pass Pipeline (Meter No. 808311)
Trunkline @ Vinton (Meter No. 292545)
TGC GR (Meter No. 13546)
Tenn 800 Header GR (Meter No. 57580)
CGT GR (Meter No. 13548)
All Delivery Poins located in Zone 1
Any future Delivery Point in path

There shall be an Excess Quantity Charge of $0.1000 per Dth applicable to all delivered quantities in excess of the MDQ, through segmentation or otherwise, for such services.

If scheduled maintenance or other operational circumstances adversely affect the availability of primary firm capacity under the Agreement and Transporter notifies Shipper of the availability of non-primary capacity to receive and/or deliver other than at the points specified above, then such optional non-primary points as designated by Transporter shall be deemed eligible for the rates, quantities, and the period specified in the notice. Transporter may make such notification via e-mail, in writing or via Internet Web Site posting and the document in which such notice appears shall be deemed to amend this Agreement for the purposes hereof.

Certain capacity under this Agreement is subject to the Pre-Arranged service procedures described in Section 16.6 GT& C of the Tariff. This Agreement shall become binding as of the date first written above, subject to the outcome of the procedures. If the outcome of such procedures is such that the terms of this Agreement must be modified, the parties shall enter into such amendments as necessary to effectuate such modifications. If no modifications to this Agreement are required as a result of such procedures, then this Agreement shall become binding as described above.
CHKREC25 L Chesakeake Receipt - 20025 CHKDEL25 L Chesapeake Delivery 20025